Cosmetic Surgery | Fort Lee Med Spa - Part 3 Cosmetic Surgery | Fort Lee Med Spa - Part 3

Eyelid Surgery

In-office eyelid surgery is a great way to turn back the clock a good 10 to 15 years on your look. Some local anesthetic is very gently injected to the eyelid area and the excess skin is carefully trimmed off. Very fine plastic sutures are used to close to skin. This...

Necklace Line Removal

Belotero is a very fine, smooth hyaluronic acid that works great for very fine lines and wrinkles. One particular area I love to use Belotero is the necklace lines. These are those lines that run horizontally along the neck and they correct very nicely with this...

Facial Sculpting

Radiesse is a awesome product that I use for sculpting and contouring faces. There is 50% more per syringe than typical filler syringes. Therefore, you get a lot more for your money and it allows me to be more creative with facial contouring in achieving those great...

Excellent Alternative to Botox

Xeomin is another competitor to Botox. It can be considered a more purified form of toxin because the molecule has less complexing proteins side chains. Therefore, it typically starts to work faster by a few days then Botox. An excellent alternative to Botox and/or...

Botox Replacement

Dysport is a Botox like product. It also relaxes muscles and flattens out the overlying wrinkling of the skin. I love using it for more diffuse areas of wrinkling such as the crows feet and for bigger forheads. It’s also a great go to product when Botox stops working...

Lower Lid Filler

restylane is a filler with many different formulations as well. In my hands, it’s a great filler for the lower lid/tear trough filling area. These results can last up to 18 months and sometimes longer in some patients. I also love using it for the fine lines around...